place holder Perspectives is committed to advocating for mental health causes & contributing locally to have a positive impact on the Mid-Michigan area.
place holder "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." ~ Julian Saez


Perspectives offers therapeutic services to the Mid-Michigan area and treats a large range of disorders, including depression, anxiety, anger, substance use, marital issues, and trauma. Staff is knowledgeable in evidence-based treatment and are consumers of research. Treatment is offered for individuals, couples and groups. Adults and children are welcome based on appointment availability.

In addition, Perspectives provides assessments for learning disabilities, bariatric evaluations, and pre-employment screens. Formal and informal assessments are commonly used to guide treatment and track treatment progress.

Perspectives is also involved in research, and professional staff is active in presenting and publishing research to enhance clinical skills and provide effective services. We can provide consultation to the community and to organizations who may benefit from the expert knowledge base.

Should I try therapy?

If you are wondering whether you should try therapy, or are not sure how to get started, we have compiled some links to help you. Please feel free to contact us with questions.

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  • Are you a current client? Click the link below to sign into the Client Portal. If you do not have one, call the office at 989-486-3021 to request access.


  • Clinic ID: PPAM



Perspective staff offers Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), IPT, Behavioral activation, and exposure-based interventions. Treatment is available for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, anger management, marital problems, and more.



Formal assessment (cognitive assessment, personality assessment, and learning disability assessment) are a specialized skill and Perspectives staff uses the most up to date to research to provide accurate and timely assessments.



Perspectives is committed to helping in the community and providing services to benefit the public whether assisting in the public school system or providing pro-bono services to our community.

Our Locations

Perspectives Psychological Associates of Mid-Michigan